Art Update 5 December 2017

Hey everyone! Last week it was tough to get some art in, but I feel like what I did was pretty good!

I had a stroke of inspiration the other day and decided to try my hand at character design again, and whipped up the above sketch. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. The fabric of the skirt was fun to draw.

This sketch was enjoyable to create, as well. I stretch my abilities a bit further and threw together a design from a few different refs, and like with the first one I used a brush and ink instead of lining with a brush pen, and I feel like the darker ink paid off.

Anyway, that’s all I have to show off for the past couple weeks. My semi-secret comic is still in the works, and I’ll have more sketches to show off next week! Take care!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post!  If you’d like to connect with me elsewhere, I have a Twitter, a Mastodon, and a Patreon!

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