February Update

Hey friends! Been a while since I’ve shared an update here. Been keeping a fairly low-key presence online, which has been nice with how wild things have been these past couple months.

Below is a slideshow with a bunch of goofy character experiments I’ve done. It’s fun figuring out how lines and such play a role on defining a character’s personality and such.

  • Cartoon style dogs with human teeth, as well as some weird looking characters, including a vampire and a guy with bad hair
  • Cartoon drawing of an old guy with a pipe next to a fish version of him, with the text "Ol' Brimpy" on it
  • Three brush pen drawing postcards.  The first depicts two cartoonish figures holding pint glasses, the first smoking and the second saying "CRUISIN 4 A BREW-SIN".  The second depicts a cartoonish figure holding a small cylindrical figure with arms, legs, and an antennae.  The third depicts the text "HAIR HANDS" and five faces or busts of cartoonish figures; two are bearded with long hair and glasses, the remaining three making creepy or unsettling faces.
  • Two cartoon drawings of a character. One with him yawning with the text "the best part of waking up is waking up", as well as one of him drinking soda with the text "do the doo"
  • A brush pen drawing postcard of three cartoonish figures.  From left to right, the bust of a man, a man in a baseball cap and a shirt saying "egg", and a toilet with a face.
  • A brush pen drawing of two figures, a man with a trunk nose and another man with a top hat, monocle. and a watch

Below here is some landscapes I’ve poked around at. I had a moment of indecision in early January where I wanted to draw both trees and faces, so I figured “what the hell” and combined them. I hope you enjoy these!

  • Postcard of a watercolor and brush pen illustration in bold, earthy tones.  In the foreground is a mature deciduous tree, with a face on the trunk featuring a bulbous nose.  In the background is a grassy landscape including rocks, clouds, and birds.
  • Six small brush pen drawings of trees and stumps with faces. One looks stoic, another really goofy, the third aloof, one rather bulbous, another looking smug, and the final one having an aggressive snarl.
  • A quick postcard-sized brush pen sketch of trees and rocks in a field
  • Three brush pen drawings, one post-card sized and the other two trading card sized. All depict trees with a face with either stoic or aloof expressions, with clouds and rocks visible.

Other than this, I’ve just been making a point to do more self-care. It’s nice.

Take care!

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