Art Update 25 Sept 2017

Hey everyone! I hope your week has treated you well.

Here’s some of the more noteworthy things I did this past week:

Last week I got a couple acrylic paint samples in the mail and liked them enough that I went out and bought a few more tubes. So far I really like them — they get a nice texture and blend really well.

The above painting is the first one I did.

Here’s the second one I did, which I feel has nicer colors than the first. I dig this style too. The colors make it seem unsettling, while still being vivid and pretty.

Here’s the third painting I did, in which I tried blending the background a bit more and getting more creative than just trees. I made a mistake in this by not letting the paint dry enough before layering, but hey, good to know for the future!

As a reminder, I am still doing post card commissions! I’m willing to do acrylic trees in addition to what’s listed on the commissions post.

I hope you enjoyed this post!  If you’d like to connect with me elsewhere, I have a Twitter, a Patreon, and I also stream on Mixer!

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