Art Update 6 November 2017

Last week was relatively slow, but I’m working on some things in the background, and even managed to get a couple sketches/studies done!

Here’s a couple samurai-esque demons I did on stream last Thursday. I’m really loving these inks, especially the bold contrast I get between this yellow and this purple.

Here’s a demon/dragon woman I did yesterday. It’s fun compositing different features and such. My anatomy seems to be getting ever so slightly better, too. Just gotta keep practicing.

Also: I’m getting back into doing short, regular art streams. The plan is to just chill out and have fun while working on things. I don’t have a strict schedule, but I’m making a point to do them on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the very least. My Mixer page is linked below.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post!  If you’d like to connect with me elsewhere, I have a Twitter, a Patreon, and I also stream on Mixer!

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