Art Update 22 March 2018

Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve updated. It’s been a weird year so far, art-wise. I fizzled out a bit over the winter holidays and had a real slump through most of winter and the darker months. It seems like a more low-key time of year for me.

Anyway, I’ve been continuing to develop my style and figure out my goals with art. I’m still not 100% where I want to be, but hey, it’s about the journey.

I’ve also been having some fun writing post-apoc and horror poems, so you may get to see one of those soon, too.

Without further ado, here’s some of the better things I’ve done this year so far!


Here’s some figure studies from mid-Feb. I feel I’ve been capturing motion and form better, and proportions are getting easier for me to be consistent with.

This is a quick doodle from the same time as those studies. I didn’t do much in the way of creating through January, so this was me getting back into inking with a brush.

This is a bit of fan art for Bioshock 2. I really love the Big Sister designs — they’re absolutely horrifying.

This is a study from a SenshiStock photo, the colors and shading of which I invented from imagination as a challenge.

This is a quick concept sketch. I started reading The House on the Borderland, a novella (I think) about a house in the middle of nowhere. It’s really good, I recommend it.

This is further exploration of the “house in the middle of nowhere” theme. I tried blending more, and being more deliberate with my line weight and where I use lines. I feel like the focus and composition of this is far better than the sketch above.

And here’s a gunslinger with a giant foam hat and pop gun, which I drew from imagination. There’s an interesting balance with using refs vs inventing from imagination. I’m still working out what works best for me, but I’ll get there!

As always, thank you for reading! If you would like to connect and chat with me, feel free to follow me at the below links! Or if you’d like to support my endeavors financially, I’ll throw some links down there for that too! Thank you so much, everyone. <3




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