November 2023 Art Update

It has been way too long since I’ve shared recent works here, so, here goes!

Above are a bunch of recent-ish watercolors. I haven’t done a whole ton of those this year, but I really enjoyed working on them.

Pen drawing of some floating islands with a house, a waterfall, all colored with colored pencil

I have also been doing a bunch of line drawings like these — and a TON of these little prop doodles. They are fun.

Four drink glasses, one shaped like a boot, with trees growing from them

I have also picked up a small drawing tablet and been coloring things I draw in pen, digitally. It’s fun exploring these more surreal scenes.

February Art Update

Good lord, it’s been like four months since I’ve posted here. Been a wild start to the year so far with some great personal growth amidst a bit of turmoil and frustration. But hey, growth doesn’t have to be pretty.

Without further ado, here’s some of the art I’ve been up to!

Above are all sketches I did this year. I’m quite pleased with them all, and can tell I’ve made some good progress, artistically.

Above are a bunch of studies and gifts I made in December, with some Copic markers I got. I’m not sure I’ll use the markers a whole lot in the future as their ink tends to fade pretty quickly, but they’re nice and quick for getting ideas out.

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