September Art Roundup

Hey friends! It’s been a bit since I’ve collected a bunch of my recent art on here, so here goes!

Above are a bunch of trees I did recently. The two with color are birthday gifts I did for a couple friends, and the other two are experiments I did while puzzling out a new method of doing art.

Above are more sketches I did, fiddling around with a different pen (the first two) and getting more experimental with my brush pen. I’ve actually finally worn out my brush pen after three years, so I’m waiting on a new tip to arrive in the mail soon.

Well, there’s the post! I hope you enjoyed reading and looking at my art. I’ll catch y’all later! <3

Art Update 20 November 2017

Hey everyone! We’re back with another art update! My apologies for missing last week — I was ill for much of the week prior and had to take some to rest up.

In other news, I have decided to stop streaming. I may come back to it down the road, but for now I need to focus on other things.

Without further ado, here’s what I’ve done this past week, including a sneak peak of a semi-secret project I’m working on!

Continue reading Art Update 20 November 2017

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