Update – 03 May 2019

Wow, jeez, it’s been over three months since I’ve updated this blog. Been a weird few months too, but it’s been relatively decent. Lemme give y’all a synopsis.

Through early Feb, I was on a great roll with art, and then through the rest of Feb and into March I was in a bit of a funk; same for with most of April. I got some work done on the game, did some good writing, and have done a few cool illustrations since then.

However, most of my time has been spent working on handling my depression better. Hence why this blog has been neglected for so long. I’ve still been posting on my Patreon every couple weeks, at least. Most of those posts end up free for the public to see, if you’d like to catch up on my activities there!

More art and such below:

Continue reading Update – 03 May 2019

Art Update 20 November 2017

Hey everyone! We’re back with another art update! My apologies for missing last week — I was ill for much of the week prior and had to take some to rest up.

In other news, I have decided to stop streaming. I may come back to it down the road, but for now I need to focus on other things.

Without further ado, here’s what I’ve done this past week, including a sneak peak of a semi-secret project I’m working on!

Continue reading Art Update 20 November 2017

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