ODP Poem – “Rucksack”


by Anthony Jutz

A traveler’s rucksack,
Filled with things along the way.
This collection of stuff,
From both good and bad days.
Memories beholden,
To failures from the past.
A sad compartment of shit,
Dumped in a ditch at long last.
To let go and let loose,
The present better than what was.
The pack now lightened,
Cleaned out just because.
All that old junk,
Left to rot in the sun.
Time to move on,
Tomorrow’s just begun.

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ODP Poem – “Dragon”

A green dragon with wispy yellow wings makes a silly face. It holds onto a grey-blue tree with an eye at its base. The tree is surrounded by beige stones that look like teeth.


by Anthony Jutz

Bright as the night,
It slithers behind the moon.
But during the day,
It whispers in the clouds.
Within the atmosphere,
The world is its throne.
Its kingdom its own,
Ruled by none.
Tread lightly,
Beware the dragon’s words.
For where reality meets unreality,
Truth is but a wish.
Now go,
Go softly.
And breathe,
Breathe the dream.
The dragon calls.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post! You can find more Ominous Doom Planet here. You can also connect with and support me at the links below:

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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jankhambrams

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jankhambrams

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