Hey friends! It’s been a while since I’ve shared anything new here. The work I did during the first half of the year really caught up with me and led me to have to slow down quite a bit. But I’ve still done some cool stuff! I’ll document some of it here.
I’ve done several paintings, but here’s the noteworthy ones that I have scans of.
Below is a quick landscape I did in preparation for a much larger commission I did for a friend. I rather like the weird, acid-yellow/green sky with the haunting blood-red moon. It’s ominous in a way I enjoy.

Below are some fun watercolor and ink trees I painted, as I was easing back into the medium after burning out on it for a bit after the afore-mentioned large commission I did. I had fun with these, and they’re the first ones I did using some “self-evolving” watercolors I bought, which granulate in interesting ways as they dry.

Below are some more trees I painted, using those self-evolving paints. I rather enjoy the granulation and hints at a background that they include.

Below is another painting I did, but this one was with the intent of doing a full-page painting again. I hadn’t quite had the energy to do so for a while, but I’m branching out again and I rather like this as a first attempt.

Beyond that, I did a little bit of music, but not a whole lot. I’m still figuring out what my values and desires for my music are, after releasing so much earlier this year. Any new, little pieces I did can be found at my SoundCloud, which you can find below. Here’s an embedded link of the newest one I’ve done.
Thank you for reading this post! I’ve been uploading stuff more regularly at my Patreon. If you wanna check that out, I’ll drop a link below: