ODP: The Cave

Hey everyone! Now feels like a good time to make a post about my current project: I’m making another small video game!

Ominous Doom Planet: The Cave is a narrative platforming game about a space exploring scientist getting lost in a deep cave filled with dark secrets. What forbidden knowledge will they gain from this chasm on a planet on the edge of reality? Well, you’ll have to wait til it’s finished to find out!

Here’s some screenshots of what I’ve got of it so far!

As you can see, I’ve got the basic art and enemy AI working, in addition to having tileset going. There’s also some invisible things such as features that make level design a much more expedient process. Also not shown is player movement and jump physics.

This was achieved in the first couple weeks of development.

During the third week of development, I got dialogue boxes working, including creating my own font and outline sprites. This coming week, I’m hoping to get multiple lines of dialogue working from the same interactive object.

I’m posting updates every week on Twitter, to the #ominousdoomplanet hashtag. Hopefully the game will be out by summer, depending on how everything goes! See you next time!

ODP Poem – “Rucksack”


by Anthony Jutz

A traveler’s rucksack,
Filled with things along the way.
This collection of stuff,
From both good and bad days.
Memories beholden,
To failures from the past.
A sad compartment of shit,
Dumped in a ditch at long last.
To let go and let loose,
The present better than what was.
The pack now lightened,
Cleaned out just because.
All that old junk,
Left to rot in the sun.
Time to move on,
Tomorrow’s just begun.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post! You can find more Ominous Doom Planet here. You can also connect with and support me at the links below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JankHambrams

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jankhambrams

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jankhambrams

ODP Poem – “Dragon”

A green dragon with wispy yellow wings makes a silly face. It holds onto a grey-blue tree with an eye at its base. The tree is surrounded by beige stones that look like teeth.


by Anthony Jutz

Bright as the night,
It slithers behind the moon.
But during the day,
It whispers in the clouds.
Within the atmosphere,
The world is its throne.
Its kingdom its own,
Ruled by none.
Tread lightly,
Beware the dragon’s words.
For where reality meets unreality,
Truth is but a wish.
Now go,
Go softly.
And breathe,
Breathe the dream.
The dragon calls.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post! You can find more Ominous Doom Planet here. You can also connect with and support me at the links below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JankHambrams

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jankhambrams

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jankhambrams

Ominous Doom Planet

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Ominous Doom Planet! This is going to be a series of illustrations and short fiction set on a planet where reality itself is fractured and blending with alternate worlds. There will be monsters and terrifying happenings galore.

Ominous Doom Planet will follow the journey of two scientists, Doctor 37 (below, left) and Doctor 4 (below, right). They’ve become stranded during their research expedition to this planet and its overlapping, fractured realities.


Keep an eye out for future posts, and follow me on Twitter and Patreon for updates about what I’m up to in relation to this project! 

See you soon!

Life Update – Twitter & Other Things

So, life’s been weird this past month. Sort of a culmination of things that’ve been brewing over the horizon and finally flooding over the dam.

Content Note: I will be lightly touching on some things related to my depression, including but not limited to suicidal ideation. You’ve been warned.

Continue reading Life Update – Twitter & Other Things

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