Art Update – February 2025

Hello friends!

Here’s a long-awaited update with some of my recent works! I’ve got a fair amount to share so here they are!

I hope y’all enjoy this assortment of works!

I would also like to note that I have a sticker shop! I am in the process of uploading some prints and more works, so if you drop me a follow there, you’ll be updated as I do so!

Here’s the link:

Art Update — June 2024

Wow has it been a while since I’ve shared much here… so here’s a buncha cool drawings I’ve done recently-ish!

I’ve been focusing a lot on figures, perspective, depth, form… lotta stuff over the past several months. Including an abundance of silliness. I also moved! Which has gone fantastically and I love it here.

Anyway, enjoy the images below! It’s not all I’ve been up to. Buuuuuut more will come later. 🙂

Continue reading Art Update — June 2024

November 2023 Art Update

It has been way too long since I’ve shared recent works here, so, here goes!

Above are a bunch of recent-ish watercolors. I haven’t done a whole ton of those this year, but I really enjoyed working on them.

Pen drawing of some floating islands with a house, a waterfall, all colored with colored pencil

I have also been doing a bunch of line drawings like these — and a TON of these little prop doodles. They are fun.

Four drink glasses, one shaped like a boot, with trees growing from them

I have also picked up a small drawing tablet and been coloring things I draw in pen, digitally. It’s fun exploring these more surreal scenes.

May Update

Hey friends! Been ages since I’ve uploaded here, huh. Been busy! Been sick! Been working on all kindsa stuff, some of which I’ll share here.

Above’s slideshow is most of what I’ve done the past couple months, art-wise. I was knocked out for a couple weeks by some health stuff, so I was focused on that, but I’m glad to still have done some of the best paintings I’ve done in my life. Good times!

I’m going to leave this post as a short one. I like the idea of being more concise, to make room for more efforts, so we’ll see how that goes!

February Art Update

Good lord, it’s been like four months since I’ve posted here. Been a wild start to the year so far with some great personal growth amidst a bit of turmoil and frustration. But hey, growth doesn’t have to be pretty.

Without further ado, here’s some of the art I’ve been up to!

Above are all sketches I did this year. I’m quite pleased with them all, and can tell I’ve made some good progress, artistically.

Above are a bunch of studies and gifts I made in December, with some Copic markers I got. I’m not sure I’ll use the markers a whole lot in the future as their ink tends to fade pretty quickly, but they’re nice and quick for getting ideas out.

September Art Roundup

Hey friends! It’s been a bit since I’ve collected a bunch of my recent art on here, so here goes!

Above are a bunch of trees I did recently. The two with color are birthday gifts I did for a couple friends, and the other two are experiments I did while puzzling out a new method of doing art.

Above are more sketches I did, fiddling around with a different pen (the first two) and getting more experimental with my brush pen. I’ve actually finally worn out my brush pen after three years, so I’m waiting on a new tip to arrive in the mail soon.

Well, there’s the post! I hope you enjoyed reading and looking at my art. I’ll catch y’all later! <3

Art Update 22 March 2018

Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve updated. It’s been a weird year so far, art-wise. I fizzled out a bit over the winter holidays and had a real slump through most of winter and the darker months. It seems like a more low-key time of year for me.

Anyway, I’ve been continuing to develop my style and figure out my goals with art. I’m still not 100% where I want to be, but hey, it’s about the journey.

I’ve also been having some fun writing post-apoc and horror poems, so you may get to see one of those soon, too.

Without further ado, here’s some of the better things I’ve done this year so far!

Continue reading Art Update 22 March 2018

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