Drawing Process: Dr. Petrol

Hey everyone! I figured now is a good time to post some of my current process for drawing. Today’s process is of a character I’ve been developing: Dr. Petrol. They’re part of a biological incident clean-up crew, and that’s about as far as I’m at for backstory so far.

Anyway, without further ado, here’s the photos and explanations!

Continue reading Drawing Process: Dr. Petrol

Art Update – 5 May 2018

Wow, it’s already been a month since the last art update. I haven’t been up to too much, at least not productivity-wise. Most of my efforts have been on recalibrating my attitude around creating. I kept trying to make creativity into a job, but that doesn’t work if I don’t also make it fun.

So I’ve been chilling way the heck out and just doing things when the mood strikes me and I have an idea that seems fun. It’s less compulsive and more spontaneous. I’m finding myself more open to things, as well. It’s nice.

Anyway, without further ado: Here’s some sketches and stuffs.

Continue reading Art Update – 5 May 2018

Art Update 22 March 2018

Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve updated. It’s been a weird year so far, art-wise. I fizzled out a bit over the winter holidays and had a real slump through most of winter and the darker months. It seems like a more low-key time of year for me.

Anyway, I’ve been continuing to develop my style and figure out my goals with art. I’m still not 100% where I want to be, but hey, it’s about the journey.

I’ve also been having some fun writing post-apoc and horror poems, so you may get to see one of those soon, too.

Without further ado, here’s some of the better things I’ve done this year so far!

Continue reading Art Update 22 March 2018

Small Update

I just realized it’s been about two months since I’ve updated my blog. I haven’t forgotten it, there just hasn’t really been all that much to share due to illness and tech issues.

am working on a short comic project though, so whenever that’s done it’ll be posted here.

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