Here’s a long-awaited update with some of my recent works! I’ve got a fair amount to share so here they are!
I hope y’all enjoy this assortment of works!
I would also like to note that I have a sticker shop! I am in the process of uploading some prints and more works, so if you drop me a follow there, you’ll be updated as I do so!
It’s been a while since there’s been a post here! I’m not sure how much I’m going to, but we’ll see! My site crashed last year and was down for a few months. Lost some posts. So, no time like the present to at least get things up to date a bit!
Here’s some art from the last bit, to show off where I’m at now!
I’ve been leaning into digitally-coloring my ink drawings and having a lot of fun with it. Something I’m especially proud of is how much better depth and texture I’m adding, as well as increasingly-expressive line art. I find that embracing the loose and controlled-chaos of my work is beneficial to what I want to achieve. Plus it’s fun!
The three digital illustrations here are from my Ominous Doom Planet, world. I’ve been exploring and expanding upon it more. It’s a great playground to see where my creativity takes me.
Some lore: Those floating scrap-metal bunker things are from a cult I’ve been referring to as the “Temple of Tetanus”. It’s delightfully bizarre, isn’t it? Anyway, my thought is they’re like these not-dead-not-alive cyborg types who aim to catalog things and discover the purpose of their existence. And it’s an absurd existence, at that.
They construct these metal bunkers that often are floated on a chunk of ground. What a cool way to travel! Especially since gravity is strange here, on the edge of reality.
Oh! I should mention: My buddy The Astronaut King and I have a new split album up for pre-order. It has my art, his awesome spaghetti-western-in-space guitar music, and my delightfully bizarre “madman electronica” on it.
Two musicians. Two distinct styles. Ten songs. Two tales set in the Otherworlds. All awesome. We each have a song released right now, with another one coming sometime soon! Go check it out. I’m certain y’all will love it!
Well, there’s a fun tidbit for y’all to muse over! I fully intend to upload some more sometime soon. Been busy busy busy!
Wow, jeez, it’s been over three months since I’ve updated this blog. Been a weird few months too, but it’s been relatively decent. Lemme give y’all a synopsis.
Through early Feb, I was on a great roll with art, and then through the rest of Feb and into March I was in a bit of a funk; same for with most of April. I got some work done on the game, did some good writing, and have done a few cool illustrations since then.
However, most of my time has been spent working on handling my depression better. Hence why this blog has been neglected for so long. I’ve still been posting on my Patreon every couple weeks, at least. Most of those posts end up free for the public to see, if you’d like to catch up on my activities there!
Whoa, it’s been a while since my last update. Like a month and a half! Much of that time was spent re-evaluating my attitude toward creating, and practicing a better perspective. Let’s get into that more down below.
Hello friends! It’s been a while! I figured today’s as good a time as any to dust off the past couple weeks of inactivity and let you all know what’s going on.
For where reality meets unreality, Truth is but a wish.
Now go, Go softly.
And breathe, Breathe the dream.
The dragon calls.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post! You can find more Ominous Doom Planet here. You can also connect with and support me at the links below:
Hey everyone! At long last, it’s time for another art update. I’ve been pretty busy working on my book, but I’ve managed to play around and further develop my style, too. Check it out below!
Hey everyone! I figured now is a good time to post some of my current process for drawing. Today’s process is of a character I’ve been developing: Dr. Petrol. They’re part of a biological incident clean-up crew, and that’s about as far as I’m at for backstory so far.
Anyway, without further ado, here’s the photos and explanations!
Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve updated. It’s been a weird year so far, art-wise. I fizzled out a bit over the winter holidays and had a real slump through most of winter and the darker months. It seems like a more low-key time of year for me.
Anyway, I’ve been continuing to develop my style and figure out my goals with art. I’m still not 100% where I want to be, but hey, it’s about the journey.
I’ve also been having some fun writing post-apoc and horror poems, so you may get to see one of those soon, too.
Without further ado, here’s some of the better things I’ve done this year so far!